We already know how much technology changes our lives daily, in almost everything we use, and with new technologies, new futures are generated.
Artificial intelligence is considered today one of the greatest technological advances, since it allows systems to simulate human-like intelligence, going from specific orders and making decisions autonomously, to the simple programming of an object.
The automotive industry is a great example of using artificial intelligence. The use of this technology has made the Tesla company surpass its rivals and become the largest and richest automobile company in the world. So if you want to understand a little more about how artificial intelligence managed to change the auto industry once and for all, you just need to check this out!
Smart Cars, What Are They and How Do They Work?
They have been present in our lives for the past two decades, smart or autonomous cars continue to evolve at a gigantic pace. Even the most common and cheap brands of cars offer numerous technological solutions that aim to make life easier for drivers and end up increasing the comfort of their passengers.
These cars have the autonomy to move safely while showing that a driver is not always necessary for the car to drive to its destination. This can be done thanks to programmed routes and very active communication with the environment, such as the road and the surrounding cars.
Communication between the driver and the car is done via the internet and via v2i, then the message is transmitted to traffic management centers, and then the data is transmitted from the traffic lights to the system that becomes responsible for the cars.
Showing that it does not need human intervention, smart cars can also send alerts of problems that end up being out of reach of their sensors and that would escape the performance of the systems. It is essential to know the trajectory of the car, its own acceleration, and speed, without which it is not possible to maintain total control of traffic.
What are The Benefits of Having an Autonomous Car?
By promoting greater interaction between cars and public roads, smart cars end up making traffic more efficient, thereby improving mobility and safety. As the electronic and mechanical systems of these types of cars are already prepared for the most diverse situations, they manage to reduce the number of accidents caused in daily traffic, being in service to the driver.
Since smart cars have electronic stability control, when you dodge an obstacle and aquaplaning occurs, or the car loses traction, the vehicle’s stability will be easily restored. It also helps to prevent collisions, as it receives basic data about other cars, such as their speed, distance, among other data.
Another benefit would be to improve flow, preventing traffic congestion. The goal is to consider one of the most complicated maneuvers to be performed, and in autonomous cars, the only thing you need is for the system to see that the vacancy is ideal, and then the maneuver is done automatically.
With Success Comes More Investment
Every year there are r new studies that show that this operation of this technology has become more profound. Today, technology goes hand in hand with the automotive sector to become increasingly giant.
For those who have no idea, before going ahead with the project and launching a new prototype, this artificial intelligence is tested first in Formula 1 cars, since it is related to intelligent functions, fuels, oil, and even the battery. Following this idea, race tracks and auto racing categories serve as support for tests by major automakers.
Many automakers today have already implemented mechanisms such as Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple), Cortana (Microsoft), and Google Assistant – this will allow drivers to teach machines to turn on their headlights or open garages when necessary.
Tesla was the pioneer in the market, they were the first company using artificial intelligence in its cars, and in 2020 it surpassed its Japanese competitor Toyota, which also invests in this technology. As the laws of competition dictate, other major companies such as Ford, GM, Ferrari, and Hyundai are already investing time and money to introduce artificial intelligence in their new models.
The Future Is Now!
With adaptive autopilot, infotainment system, stay on track assistant, smart headlights, teen drivers, and blind-spot detector, smart cars are increasingly in demand. As it becomes a massive trend, it is estimated that shortly most cars will become more connected and that their systems will be able to solve numerous situations with their own intelligence.